Time To Pick A Tree

Thanksgiving is done and was early this year which is awesome because that leaves us more time to enjoy our Christmas tree!  In keeping with family traditions, we headed out to a local farm to pick out our tree the day after Thanksgiving with the help of our pups.  We took our time walking the acreage to find the perfect tree and cut it down.  After a little time, we found what we wanted and began to cut it down.  Unbeknownst to us, under the tree was the entrance a bunch of chipmunks were using to get into their home.  Once we started cutting, they bolted and naturally, their scent was enough to get the beagle wound up.  She began braying loudly, which seemed to carry throughout the entire farm, with her nose glued to the ground.  She spooked them out from under another tree and they bolted again, this time with the beagle in pursuit....dragging our daughter behind her.  LOL between the beagle braying and our daughter yelling for help, it was quite the fiasco.  Eventually though we got everything squared away and the dogs loaded back into the car with the tree mounted on the roof.

molly chase lida dog christmas tree

Once we got home the tree went up and of course other critters in the house had to get some play time with the tree while we began decorating.

Everything is all settled finally and we're gearing up for Christmas.  The ornaments are flying out the door and it's harder than ever to keep things from going out of stock.  In addition, we have more socks due in tomorrow and have expanded the selection to a bunch of new breeds.  Make sure you check back on the site soon to see what's new and what's back in stock.

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