
Everyone's getting tired

Everyone's getting tired

Looks like everyone is getting tired of all this impacting us far and wide. Hopefully soon things will start getting back to normal. In the meantime, we are all doing well and oddly enough still managing to put off things around the house that need to be done citing an inability to find time.  

We will continue to ship out orders as long as we can be resupplied. Currently we only have a couple of suppliers who have ground to a halt. With the stock we have on hand though already we don't anticipate any hiccups.

Sourcing some new products

Sourcing some new products

Wanna hear something you've heard before?  We're going to try really hard to keep on top of blog posts.  LOL.  I know, I know, I keep saying it.  But this time I REALLY mean it.

In the meantime, we've been trying to source new products.  Currently we are adding some of the more obscure breeds to our dog bone selection.  This includes so many of the new "designer breeds" where they take two dogs, cross them, then assign a cute celebrity couple type name to try and justify the insane cost.  Yep, what everyone used to call mutts just a few short years ago.

Take a look and see if one applies to you.

Update regarding International shipping options

Opening up our shipping is proving to be quite tedious as each and every product has to be updated individually.  So far we believe we have properly set the shipping rules for the Howliday Christmas ornaments as well as the socks. As it stands right now, anyone in another country placing an order for either of those two products will incur a flat fee for the first item for shipping and then each item after that will incur a small fee to account for the added weight of the package.

If anyone is attempting to go through checkout and having a difficult time then please let us know right away so we can address whatever the issue may be.

Reaching out to touch everyone

International shipping is now being offered!

Where does one find overalls now?

Where does one find overalls now?
Seems like we're in the market for a good pair of overalls.  In addition to all the other irons we have in the fire we decided to add worm farming to the mix.  We love our gardens and in the summer we have quite a large vegetable garden as well as various other flowers gardens.  Our prize plants are tropical giant elephant ears and castor beans which we got to 12' last season!  We figure we'd try worm farming to make better soil which will hopefully result in larger yields with better fruits and veggies.  We can't wait for the warm weather so we can get started planting.  Looks like soon we'll have to start our seeds inside in anticipation.

Chopping down that cherry tree

Heading out to run errands the other day took us to Costco.  After the holidays, shopping there is a delight. Wandering around the aisles leisurely, getting samples of all sorts of yummy goodies makes it a pleasure.  Sometimes you walk by a sample table though where you just know that person isn't going to interact with anyone. I wonder if those assignments are punitive.  Anyway, we wandered by a table where cherry juice was up for grabs.  We walked on by.  Three steps past the table and I thought to myself, let's hear this one out.  We backed up and a lovely senior who we shall call "Betty" was running the table.  Considering the shipping season has gone from "insane chaos" down to the much more manageable "hectic" I had some time so I chatted her up which is something I enjoy doing....that's meeting and talking to new people.

Betty pitched the cherry juice.  Now, I like cherries, and cherry is the best flavor of any hard candy, freeze pop, soft chew....whatever.  But cherry juice was not something I had much confidence in. I picked up the little Dixie cup and kicked it back at which point Betty said "That's the same face I made when I first started drinking it!".  Whew....tart! While talking Betty told me how she started drinking the cherry juice solely because of recommendations from her peers. She has no computer and knew nothing about it but went on blind faith, then one day while at a friends house, used the friends computer to look it up and found all the benefits to it. She said she starts every day with a 3oz or so shot of cherry juice and it's helped tremendously with her arthritis, showing me her hands, her sleeping, and all sorts of other ailments plaguing her.  The box holding the three bottles had all sorts of claims about things the juice was capable of so with the hard sell, we bought it to see what happens.  Each night before bed we pour ourselves what looks like it might be three ounces, kick it back, and shake our heads as our facial muscles cramp up from twisting due to the tartness.  We're determined to see it through.  We can't yet tell if there's been any benefits to it, but it's only been a few days.

Does anyone else out there use cherry juice? What about any other natural remedies? What does everyone swear by to help them with all the body aches and issues that creep up as we get older?

Who saw that bus?

Christmas came upon us quickly and now it's passed.  It was absolute mayhem here trying to get everyone their items before Christmas. We'd made a resolution last year to not allow the Christmas rush to keep us from enjoying all the things about the season that we normally would with our children and this year we did a better job being aware than we did last year. 

We had real problems with getting resupplied in a timely manner this season which put a lot of stress on the operation. We've learned some things and hopefully our suppliers used the opportunity to learn some things as well so that next season we don't have a repeat of these issues. It limited our business but we're looking forward to next year to see how things can shape up when the wrinkles are ironed out.

We really need to look into better ways to manage inventory across different platforms.  Hours each day from late October to late December are dedicated to just reconciling inventory across all the platforms we have products available on. We're confident that there's a better way to do things but we just aren't aware of what it could be yet. If any of you have some suggestions for software or other solutions, by all means make contact and let us know because we something has got to give.

We hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas. We're looking forward to what the new year will bring. We'll say again, we're determined to update this blog with more regularity than we have. Let's see what happens!

New Breeds Available for Socks

New Breeds Available for Socks
We've just added two new dog breeds to our American made sock selection.  Catahoula Leopard Dog and Saluki.  Make sure you check them out.  The holiday season is ramping up and things will be tough to keep in stock.  If there's something you're thinking of getting it would be best to act quickly.

It happened again.

Well here we are, another year passing after having resolved to keep the blog updated and current...without a single post.  Tsk tsk tsk.  This time we're REALLY going to try harder to keep things going.  Since fresh content is key with regards to organic search result placement with search engines and there's only so much we could really talk about with new products coming in and out, we're going to make this blog random, including all sorts of topics from business related to daily life.

However, in the meantime we do have some business related news that we can share.  Our drink coasters have been unexpectedly popular and as a result getting resupplied has proven to be a great challenge. We have a resupply due in soon but they will likely sell out quickly and what's worse, we don't think it's reasonable to expect that we will get resupplied again before Christmas.  

If you're waiting for them to come back in stock, please keep a sharp eye and act quickly when they finally arrive.

That's it for now. Let's see if we can keep up with our expectation on blog posts from this day forth!

Is it really?

Wow, has an entire season gone by since we last put out a blog post?  Seems like summer went by in the blink of an eye and here we are almost done with September already.  We'll have to be better about updating everyone on things that are going on.

We'll start off this new resolution by letting you know we expanded a bit into other things besides items that relate to your pets.  In this particular instance, we've got what we're confident most people would consider the next best thing to their furry stuff!  We have added socks in our product line with cool wine designs on them and as the socks are listed alphabetically, you should be able to find them on the last page of the novelty socks heading.

The other wine related products we've brought in are decals for your car windows or any other smooth surface you'd like which have witty quotes.  We've only started adding these to our inventory so as time progresses we expect our selection of decals to grow as well.

Hope everyone had a great summer and are looking forward to a beautiful fall.